Helpful hints to get the most out of LiSTNR.
LiSTNR has a wide selection of exclusive, local and international content from LiSTNR Originals, Hit, Triple M, Kinderling, SoundCloud, BBC, Apple, ESPN, Wo...
You can find the song that is now playing on the relevant station page on both the app and the web player, as well as recently played songs. You can also vi...
Yes, you can share stations, podcasts or episodes with your family and friends. To do this: Select the options menu ••• or the share icon from any stat...
The free LiSTNR app features all of the shows and stations that people love from the Hit and Triple M networks, plus a wide range of exciting podcasts, musi...
The LiSTNR app uses your device's display setting to display the app in light or dark mode. To switch the display between light & dark mode in the ...
The OS, which stands for Operating System, manages the way your device works. Without an operating system, a device won't work at all. Below are instru...
There isn't a clear way to delete your LiSTNR cache on iOS devices. An option that may help is to use the built-in Offload App option. This frees up sto...
Cache is a where temporary data is stored and helps websites, browsers, and apps load faster. After visiting a lot of websites or using various apps, your ...
Open your Device settings Tap on Apps Tap LiSTNR Select the Storage section under the App settings There are 2 sections to storage: Cache and Memory ...
To clear your browser cache for, you'll need to follow the steps specific to your web browser. Google Chrome Open Google Chrome C...
Yes, the LiSTNR app will continue playing if you close it and open other apps. The audio will stop if you start playing content on a different app.
Battery consumption on LiSTNR is dependent on the type of audio you are listening to and the network that you are on. Live radio and mobile data use the mos...
LiSTNR is an ad-funded audio service which means it's free to download and we're not charging you for accessing our content library. We do our best ...
Yes! Simply download the episodes you might want when offline, and the LiSTNR app allows you to listen to those episodes when offline or out of data.